Spring is starting to show through here in Auckland after a" long long lonely winter" to quote George Harrison. Spring days always remind me of my eldest daughters birth - which was on the the 1st day of spring. "Without your love, winter would hold no spring".
We had friends Steve and Chrissie over for lunch on Sunday and it was so warm we sat in the courtyard and had lunch at the big table with beautiful New Zealand wine, Earl Grey tea and Lavassa coffee and all the good the stuff that goes with it. Steve came over so I could update his web site for his Shepherd Huts. www.shepherdhut.co.nz He was bit worried about updating the site because he is struggling to keep up with demand (unsurprisingly).
What is it about people that we like to change our appearance? It seems that fashion is driven from a inner need to reinvent the way we present ourselves to the world. Its a funny thing that by changing the drapery we can change how we feel about ourselves for a short burst. We are certainly a social animal getting senses of identity from the reflection of others. This has been formalised for us all in the last few weeks.
I have to admit I felt a bit like Bush wearing a cowboy outfit - but I think i have a much better first lady.
As mentioned we also whizzed off down to Wellington to check out Victoria University and its halls of residence for Lauren next year. We stayed with Gillie's brother Mark who has amazing views from his place out over Wellington Harbour. Wellington sits snuggled at the base of small hills surrounding a beautiful harbour.
Checking out the university and the halls of residences involved much walking up hill and down dales - which made for a wearying day. A good lunch with Amelia at one of Wellington's numerous arty cafe's made the day even more exciting and gave me a chance to sit down and savour the life style.
Wellington has a real art town feel to it with a wonderful promenade at Oriental Bay where they even can make old concrete walls look interesting!
We went to the National Museum Te Papa and saw the Rita Angus exhibition. What an amazing artist! A person with a great sense of vision both in her art and her politics. Another one of those driven human beings trying to reconcile their inner vision to a conservative society. While the art is stunning I was left exhausted by the sheer body of work and intensity of experience. Blew me away that she lived in Mangonui in the 1950's and as an old resident of that community I could see familiar maunga and seascape in her works.
Now we are left with the point of decision - Wellington or Dunedin, Victoria or Otago? Either way the parents will been keen to visit South in the coming years.
Oh by the way we have confirmed the wedding date - Waitangi Day 2009 6th of February!!
I have to admit I felt a bit like Bush wearing a cowboy outfit - but I think i have a much better first lady.
As mentioned we also whizzed off down to Wellington to check out Victoria University and its halls of residence for Lauren next year. We stayed with Gillie's brother Mark who has amazing views from his place out over Wellington Harbour. Wellington sits snuggled at the base of small hills surrounding a beautiful harbour.
Checking out the university and the halls of residences involved much walking up hill and down dales - which made for a wearying day. A good lunch with Amelia at one of Wellington's numerous arty cafe's made the day even more exciting and gave me a chance to sit down and savour the life style.
Wellington has a real art town feel to it with a wonderful promenade at Oriental Bay where they even can make old concrete walls look interesting!
We went to the National Museum Te Papa and saw the Rita Angus exhibition. What an amazing artist! A person with a great sense of vision both in her art and her politics. Another one of those driven human beings trying to reconcile their inner vision to a conservative society. While the art is stunning I was left exhausted by the sheer body of work and intensity of experience. Blew me away that she lived in Mangonui in the 1950's and as an old resident of that community I could see familiar maunga and seascape in her works.
Now we are left with the point of decision - Wellington or Dunedin, Victoria or Otago? Either way the parents will been keen to visit South in the coming years.
Oh by the way we have confirmed the wedding date - Waitangi Day 2009 6th of February!!